This is the day I was born. My mother almost didn’t make it. The doctors had to do an emergency c-section to save us both. We made it! I grew up with both my parents and had a lovely childhood filled with loving memories.
My birthday too ! I was born 5 weeks early but grew up just fine ! I Just saw a video for the website and had to check it out ! And this picture I feel is a great one for my birthday
Our High School graduation day (in Australia)….some of my friends and i would have been dreaming about what next year would bring…, exchange year, travel, university? Before focusing on the night of celebration ahead! Sweet days!
My son was born on this day ! Timothy Garrett ! I love you ! This world is a much better place with you in it ! How lucky I am that you came into my life ! <3
This is the day I was born. My mother almost didn’t make it. The doctors had to do an emergency c-section to save us both. We made it! I grew up with both my parents and had a lovely childhood filled with loving memories.
My name is Nicole too and I share the same birthday! My parents said I looked like a surf when I was born because my cord was wrapped around my neck.
That’s amazing! Unbelievable how connected strangers can be. I’m glad everything turned out ok!
My birthday too ! I was born 5 weeks early but grew up just fine ! I Just saw a video for the website and had to check it out ! And this picture I feel is a great one for my birthday
Small world, isn’t it? You’re middle wouldn’t happen to be Lynn, would it? lol I’m glad everything worked out for you too.
Haha. No, my middle name is Michelle. In this pic it’s as if the lady is super relaxed like, “Everything’s gonna be fine. Your mom’s got this.”
I’m the Nicole that commented at the top BTW.
This is my birthday as well I would be 1 year old on this day sadly 1987 doesn’t have a November 24 pic but I’m happy for this one
Our High School graduation day (in Australia)….some of my friends and i would have been dreaming about what next year would bring…, exchange year, travel, university? Before focusing on the night of celebration ahead! Sweet days!
My son was born on this day ! Timothy Garrett ! I love you ! This world is a much better place with you in it ! How lucky I am that you came into my life ! <3
I absolutely love this picture! You can tell there is so much story behind it.